Open Registrations

Squirt Fall Classic

DMYHA Squirt Fall classic

Peewee Winter Freeze

DMYHA Peewee Winter freeze

New Years Puck drop

DMYHA New Years Puck drop

Mite Madness

DMYHA Mite Madness

Lady Wild Pucktoberfest

DMYHA Lady Wild Pucktoberfest

Bantam Rumble at the RecPlex

DMYHA Rumble at the RecPlex

DMYHA House league

House league 2024/25

Ages: January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2021

DMYHA High School Hockey

2024/25 regular season

DMYHA Coaches applications

24/25 DMYHA coaches application

Central Iowa D league (CIDL)

2024/25 regular season

Girls Hockey Clincs

Girls Hockey clinics

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